Have you ever heard about the Rat Race?
Imagine this:
You wake up at 6AM, punch in for work at 7AM and go home at 5PM. And then it gets repeated everyday with a day or two of break in a week.
Back then, I see this as my path. Besides, we were sent to school to have this kind of ending right? We were supposed to have a good paying job and work until we reach 65 years old and retire. Most people never see the trap that we are in.
But somehow, I discovered something...
I think It started a year ago before I got married that I got across a video blog about financial literacy. I consider myself as a saver but I don't think I was well equipped with financial knowledge at that time. So, I was quite intrigued. That video blogger was talking about how to get out of debts, how to save and invest.
From then on, I kept on researching and learning about the reality where MONEY RULE OVER people's lives.
Somehow, I felt guilty in researching about money because I know that according to the Bible:
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." 1 Timothy:6:10
But my main goal was not to get lots of money to be rich but to have enough to live the life that God gave us. I don't think He just brought us here to work for most of our life. We are much more than that. We should live to praise and love Him, to share and give love to our neighbors and to pursue a healthy life where money isn't the one controlling it.
That's why the first step is to GET OUT OF DEBT.
According to the Bible:
"The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs:22:7
It's sad when people live beyond their means. Especially when credit cards and loans are constantly being offered at your doorstep. How many times do you have to refuse the bank just to tell them that you firmly don't want to be in the debt's trap?
After a series of vlogs and research, I found out that it's not the amount of salary that keeps some people poor or broke. If you have the right mindset, you'll be able to get out of debt FAST. There are even professionals with high paying jobs that live paycheck to paycheck because they live above their means. For example: You are earning 50,000AED but your lifestyle costs 60,000AED compared to someone who only have 5,000AED a month but only spends 3,500AED so they are able to save 1,500AED.
I have read a book that says: "Most people have a price. And they have a price because of human emotions named fear and greed. First, the fear of being without money motivates us to work hard, and then once we get that paycheck, greed or desire starts us thinking about all the wonderful things money can buy. The pattern is then set."
No plan = No solution
Do you know somebody who complains about their debts but doesn't do anything to solve it except to just pay the minimum in credit cards and wait for the monthly payment in loans until it gets fully paid?
Unless you don't want to be free from debts and you want to make the banks richer, you can do so.
I normally say that tackling debt is a simple math problem but should be incorporated with lots of patience and discipline. A written budget is there to keep us on track and to tell us if how much we can only spend after all the bills are paid ('cause I know some are scared when they hear the word: budget). We are currently using the snowball method and will be debt free God willing by early next year.
Financial Independence
As per the above list, we are currently on stage 1. It's my main goal to be financially independent later on. I learned that when you don't work for money and do the things that you love, that is where true happiness will set in. Within a year or two we will build our own family, and I'm praying that God will guide us to the path that He wants for us. In the near future, I want to be always there for my children. And God willing we can go back to our home country where I can start gardening which I love.
I hope this blog will motivate someone to get out from the Rat Race and be able to pursue their REAL dreams. You will never reach it unless you ask God for it and do something. God bless to all.